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THE ANATOMY OF U.S.-SPONSORED FAILED STATES: The U.S. is at it again in the case of Syria

Iraq, Libya and now Syria – the U.S. brand of “democracy” obviously isn’t working for certain cultures and peoples so that is why these countries are now failed states or on their way to becoming one. Warlordism has become of Iraq and Libya but thanks to Russia, most of Syria hasn’t gone to that yet.

For a long time, Col. Muammar Khadafy ruled with an iron fist in Libya and so did Pres. Saddam Hussein over Iraq. There may have been ruthlessness and abuses committed, but each dictator held together their people as a nation. But as the world knows now, U.S.-style “democracy” may not be suitable for some cultures. In fact, in some cultures, benevolent dictatorships may have been a necessity rather than a choice.

Did you know that Saudi Arabia and Jordan have some of the longest-ruling authoritarian regimes in the world? Saudis have rare local (municipal-level only) elections but the national gov’t is run with an iron fist by absolute monarchy. Jordan have national elections but the Senate is appointed by the King. Their secret to success? The U.S. needs their alliance for regional stability and they’re willing to give it. So even if they rule with ruthlessness, the U.S. looks the other way.

The U.S. and western powers had always considered and will always consider their self-interests first before they do for Iraqis, Libyans or Syrians or anyone else. “Liberate”, take and leave. This is what they did to Iraq and Libya, and if Russia hasn’t step in to help Pres. Bashar al-Assad, this is what they’d probably done to Syria, too. Of course, Russia will likely also benefit from their partnership with the Assad regime, but at least Syria won’t disintegrate into warlordism and chaos.


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